14–16 Oct 2019
Athens Conservatoire
Europe/Athens timezone

Open-Source Software-Defined Radios for CubeSat Operations

14 Oct 2019, 10:30
Athens Conservatoire

Athens Conservatoire

Vasileos Georgiou B 17-19, Athina 106 75, Greece
Talk Software Talks


Alexandru Csete (AC Satcom)


Software-defined radios (SDR) have become an integral part of many CubeSat missions. The availability of low cost, high-performance SDR hardware enables cost-effective solutions to complex telecommunication tasks, including unattended, interactive, and remote operations.

In this presentation, we take a look at recent developments in open-source SDR applications and demonstrate how they can be efficiently used for CubeSat communications.

Primary author

Alexandru Csete (AC Satcom)

Presentation materials