14–16 Oct 2019
Athens Conservatoire
Europe/Athens timezone

Contribution List

55 / 55
Ilias Daradimos (Libre Space Foundation)
16/10/2019, 11:08
Konstantinos Kanavouras (Aristotle Space and Aeronautics Team (ASAT))
16/10/2019, 11:12
Mr Pierros Papadeas (Libre Space Foundation)
16/10/2019, 11:16
Mr Andre Esteves (HackAveiro and FHP - Frezite High Performance Aeroospace), Sandra Esteves
16/10/2019, 11:20
Dimitrios Stoupis
16/10/2019, 11:24
Michael Bretti
16/10/2019, 11:28
Jordan Trewitt (Planetary Transportation Systems)
16/10/2019, 11:32
Marek Sedláček
16/10/2019, 11:36
Daniel Chivvis (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), Katie Frey (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
16/10/2019, 13:30
Agis Zisimatos (Libre Spaca Foundation), Ilias Daradimos (Libre Space Foundation)
16/10/2019, 13:30

Help us define the PQ9ISH Bus for pocketqubes

Mr Alfredos Panagiotis Damkalis (Libre Space Foundation), Ilias Daradimos (Libre Space Foundation)
16/10/2019, 14:30
Anita Bernie (KISPE Space Systems Limited), Mr John Paffett (KISPE Space Systems Limited)
16/10/2019, 14:30

Help us define the repository structure!

Milenko Starcik (TU Darmstadt Space Technology e.V.)
16/10/2019, 15:30
Mr Pierros Papadeas (Libre Space Foundation), Manthos Papamatthaiou
16/10/2019, 16:00
Communities, Business, and Legal Aspects
Round Table

A round table discussion on the future of Open Source Cubesat Workshop, its audience, possible directions, broader ecosystem and format considerations.

16/10/2019, 17:00