14–16 Oct 2019
Athens Conservatoire
Europe/Athens timezone


16 Oct 2019, 10:40
Athens Conservatoire

Athens Conservatoire

Vasileos Georgiou B 17-19, Athina 106 75, Greece
Talk CubeSat Missions and Systems Talks


Manolis Surligas Ilias Daradimos (Libre Space Foundation)


Libre Space Foundation in collaboration with ESA is developing a novel versatile Cubesat communication system. The product will support UHF and S-band frequency configurations and shall be part of an end to end (E2E) turnkey solution for satellite communications. The proposed solution covers the CubeSat onboard transceiver, the ground segment for Command and Control as well as analysis of the received telemetry data into a Data Warehouse (DW).

The primary key feature of the product is certification for use with SatNOGS. Demodulation and decoding of telemetry and payload data will be fully compatible with SatNOGS ground station transceivers. In addition, a wide range of communication system configurations which shall be offered as options for the customer to select, depending on the mission requirements.

As we are very early on the development process, during this presentation will we present the proposed architecture, the key components of the board some of our initial designs.

Primary authors

Manolis Surligas Ilias Daradimos (Libre Space Foundation)

Presentation materials