12–13 Dec 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

'New comer' ground station challenge : demodulate data

12 Dec 2020, 16:14
lightning talk Room #1


The NewSpace era has seen the rise of various new actors, especially in the field of telecommunications. For example, the SatNOGS network (SatNOGS website) allows people from around the world to receive data from CubeSat missions with their own ground station, as an open source project.

In this context, the CCERES team (Paris Observatory) is a 'new comer': we operate a ground station that has been part of the SatNOGS network for more than a year. The station has successfully received and demodulated thousands of 'waterfalls' and frames from many CubeSats. However, since the recent launch of AMICal Sat (AMICal Sat's website), the ground station has been unable to demodulate any of his transmissions, while perfectly receiving and forwarding raw frames to the network. Today, we are looking for a solution to solve this isolated case (that might not be so singular after all ... ).

We will explain in this short talk what has been done to identify and understand the problem. Then, what is currently under investigation, future solutions and an overall feedback will be shared.

Primary authors

Louis LE LEUCH (CCERES, space pole of PSL Université, hosted at Paris Observatory) Mr Romain ZIDA (Paris Observatory Student) Mr Souwédou Silla DJIBRIL DRAMANE (Paris Observatory Student)


Mr Boris Segret (CCERES, space pole of PSL Université, hosted at Paris Observatory)

Presentation materials