12–13 Dec 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

MetaSat: Metadata for SmallSat Missions

13 Dec 2020, 14:10
talk Room #2


The variety of SmallSat missions range from from high school science education programs to interplanetary communication support, and the ways people document their missions are as diverse as the missions themselves. To improve information sharing between missions and across systems, librarians at the Center for Astrophysics together with staff from the Libre Space Foundation have worked to develop MetaSat, a metadata toolkit for SmallSat missions. MetaSat currently has three primary components: a vocabulary of concepts, a set of metadata crosswalks, and a collection of JSON-LD example files. This presentation will update the OSCW community on MetaSat's development and implementation by SatNOGS, as well as where we hope to go from here. Attendees can find out more about MetaSat by visiting https://schema.space/.

Primary authors

Allie Williams (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) Daina Bouquin (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)

Presentation materials