12–13 Dec 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Code in Space

12 Dec 2020, 16:22
lightning talk Room #1


Code in Space is an international opportunity where students from around the world can submit proposals to upload their code to a nanosatellite orbiting the Earth. The code will be executed by the satellite’s onboard computer and will be tested under real space environment conditions. The code executions test results will be transmitted back to Earth via a satellite ground station.
-To increase awareness about current opportunities and challenges in the satellite industry
-To encourage solutions to current challenges faced by the satellite industry
-To encourage and empower students to design and develop new concepts that could contribute to the advancement of satellite technology
-To increase awareness about new space (space 2.0) revolution and its potential impact on humanity
-Satellite Communications
-Satellite Operating System (Flight Software)
-Ground Stations & Ground Operations
-Scientific Investigations (based on onboard sensors readings such as temperature, magnetic field, acceleration, and light)
-Games and Apps. using Satellite Signals or Data

Primary author

Bassam Alfeeli (Orbital Space)

Presentation materials

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