12-13 December 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

SunrIde a Student Venture to Democratise Access to Space

12 Dec 2020, 16:30
lightning talk Room #1


SunrIde is the Sheffield University Nova Rocket Innovative Design Engineering project. Fundamentally we aim to allow students and in future the broader public to experience and access near space environments and gain the skills and trainings necessary to pave the way for a revival of the UK space industry. Established in 2017 SunrIde engineers have been working tirelessly to expand and diversify our impact in the UK Space sector improving the practical learning experience for hundreds of Students along the way. In 2020 the Project has expanded its teaching programm to encompass over 200 students and is leading the charge in building a University network of Space inspired Students with the mission of going beyond the Karmen line. Through this platform we wish to convey our journey from 2017 to present, our vision for the future and our practical and potential impact on the UK space Industry over the coming decade.

Primary author

Alec Dent (SunrIde)

Presentation Materials

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