12–13 Dec 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

QUBIK Twins: The unplanned mission of an unbuilt satellite to be integrated into a deployer that does not exist

13 Dec 2020, 15:30
talk Room #2


Qubik 1 and Qubik 2, are 2 PocketQube open-source satellites, designed, developed, integrated and delivered together with a PocketQube deployer (PICOBUS) to be flown as part of to participate in the DREAM Payloads Program of the inaugural launch of Firefly Alpha rocket.

The Qubik twins are tasked to perform Launch and Early Operations Phase (LEOP) Satellite Identification and Tracking experiments. PicoBus will deploy several 6 PocketQube satellites (includingt the two Qubik satellites).

The presenter will focus on the challenges of the parallel development of the Qubik pico-satellites and the PicoBus deployer systems in a limited timetable while the Covid-19 pandemic loomed.

Primary author

Mr Ilias Daradimos (Libre Space Foundation)

Presentation materials