The SatNOGS-COMMS transceiver is a turnkey solution enabling robust and reliable communication for LEO Cubesats. It operates in the UHF and S frequency bands, providing uplink and downlink capabilities on both of these spectrum regions. Demodulation and decoding of telemetry and payload data produced by SatNOGS-COMMS is fully compatible with SatNOGS ground stations. SatNOGS-COMMS also integrates tightly to SatNOGS Network, supporting a mission control system for TC&C and real-time dashboards.
In OSCW 2019 we presented the transceiver early on its development. On this lightning talk we will present the latest updates on the development of the board, the challenges that we faced so far, as well as our initial performance data.In addition, we will present our next steps, the availability date and our future plans for further development and enchantments.