14–16 Oct 2019
Athens Conservatoire
Europe/Athens timezone

DOCKS, a growing software suite for space mission prototyping

14 Oct 2019, 09:50
Athens Conservatoire

Athens Conservatoire

Vasileos Georgiou B 17-19, Athina 106 75, Greece
Talk Software Talks


Mr Boris Segret (C²ERES - Paris Observatory - PSL University)


DOCKS is a C²ERES endeavour to provide everybody with free tools for mission design, in Earth vicinity or in deep space. Modules in DOCKS include:

  • A carefully validated Deep-Space propagator with enough flexibility to simulate cruise trajectories or proximity operations at a non-sphérical asteroid; for Earth vicinity, user-friendly interfaces to STELA, free software by the French agency CNES are embedded; also simple Keplerian trajectories can also be generated.
  • An "easy-quaternion" generator module to simulate various pointing strategies, such as inertial pointing, slew or tracking; an ADCS early-simulation tool is also under consideration.
  • An intervisibility-computation module produces Event Files for ingress or egress with ground stations' horizon or Sun eclipses.
  • A Telecom module gathers and interfaces early assessments of telecom design with the orbit, intervisibility and attitude data as well as with a datalink tool by CNES to monitor the datavolume on-board.
  • A Power module gathers an early-design of arrays and batteries and interfaces with a scenario (orbit and attitudes) to monitor the right sizing of the power design.

All these modules read or write their interfaces in CIC-CCSDS ascii format and configure a 3D display of their results, permitted by VTS, another free software by CNES for space data visualization.

Spread the word: only open source or 100%-free code, mainly in Python. Early releases are freely available. Experts are invited to cross-check our results and provide data or modules. Textures or configuration panels could be greatly improved with the support of the community.

Primary author

Mr Boris Segret (C²ERES - Paris Observatory - PSL University)


Mr Sébastien Durand (C²ERES - Paris Observatory - PSL University)

Presentation materials