12–13 Dec 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Charting the development of the Open Source Space Ecosystem

12 Dec 2020, 15:15
talk Room #2


Having witnessed the impact that an Open Source approach has made in many segments of the software industry, numerous teams around the world are embracing the Open Source philosophy to implement systems throughout all segments of the space industry and adjacent sectors.
Open Source Space systems have the potential to change paradigms about how space missions should be implemented; to transform the future of the space industry; to truly democratise space by reducing barriers to access, and to open up the benefits of “Future Space” space to society.
From components and subsystems through to operations; from small teams working on small high altitude missions through to global collectives with a vision of interplanetary settlement; from training and education platforms through to commercial systems; delivering applications as diverse as biological experiments through to space situational awareness; there are a multitude of teams working to create open systems and applications that all can contribute to and benefit from.
This presentation will provide a consolidation of the outputs of the workshop session we held at OSCW'19 and seeks the contributions of the OSCW'20 participants to evolve and generate an up-to-date snapshot of the Open Source Space capability landscape.

Primary author

Anita Bernie (KISPE Space Systems Limited)


Dr John Paffett (KISPE Space Systems Limited)

Presentation materials