Dec 9 – 10, 2021
UTC timezone

Open Space Data Link Protocol – An open-source implementation of the CCSDS TM/TC Directives

Dec 10, 2021, 11:40 AM
talk Talks


In a time when satellite deployments in space have increased dramatically and the collaboration between different parties involved in the operation of a satellite is imperative for a successful mission, standarization can pave the way towards the realization of a mission’s goals. Often though, it is not only about willingness of a team to use standard protocols, it is also about the availability of implementations of such protocols and the overhead of implementing one themselves, considering the amount of time required for implementation and testing. In this presentation we will talk about the Open Space Data Link Protocol (OSDLP). It is a platform-independent implementation of the TM/TC Space Data Link Protocols of the CCSDS committee, implemented as a library, suitable for running on embedded processors. It is used on the QUBIK pocketqube missions and the accompanying tool for operating the OSDLP instance running on QUBIK, the osdlp-operator, will also be presented.

Primary author

George Vardakis (Libre Space Foundation)

Presentation materials