Talks: Session 1
- Eleftherios Kosmas (Libre Space Foundation)
- Artur Scholz (LibreCube Initiative)
Talks: Session 2
- Red Boumghar (Libre Space Foundation)
- Manthos Papamatthaiou
Talks: Session 3
- Pierros Papadeas (Libre Space Foundation)
- Artur Scholz (LibreCube Initiative)
Talks: Session 4
- Manthos Papamatthaiou
- Artur Scholz (LibreCube Initiative)
Talks: Session 5
- Pierros Papadeas (Libre Space Foundation)
- Eleftherios Kosmas (Libre Space Foundation)
Talks: Session 6
- Red Boumghar (Libre Space Foundation)
- Artur Scholz (LibreCube Initiative)
12/9/21, 11:40 AM
OpenSATCOM is an ESA ARTES activity implemented by Libre Space Foundation in collaboration with inno3 exploring the relevance of open-source development methodologies in the satellite communication sector.
This year's talk will be a follow-up to last year's talk, this year we will follow up with a focus on active and...
12/10/21, 12:40 PM
- An overview of testing and integration of QUBIK 1,2
and upcoming QUBIK 3,4,5 missions. - How SATNOGS is used during development and
testing - QUBIK 1,2 launch update