Dec 9 – 10, 2021
UTC timezone

OreSat Communication Protocols and and Ground Stations

Dec 10, 2021, 5:00 PM
talk Talks


This talk gives an overview of the OreSat CubeSat system’s communication system. We’ll discuss the onboard amateur radio L band uplink and UHF downlink. We’ll touch on the UHF G3RUH beacon, and the transition to an Engineering Data Link mode, that is all CCSDS compliant. We’ll also discuss the University Class Open Ground Station (UniClOGS), which is an TX/RX system that is a local ground system for engineering data link TX/RX that we hope will eventually be a TX-capable extension to SatNOGS, although regulatory compliance issues will complicate this.

Primary author

Glenn LeBrasseur (Industry Adviser)

Presentation materials